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Profiting From Mini Authority Sites


Niche marketing is one of the best ways to make money online. People are passionate about reading all they can about the topics that interest them– particularly if they find a well-done site dedicated to the topic. People also tend to buy things that help them, entertain them, or teach them. You can combine their passion for soaking up information and their tendency to spend money to profit from your own site. Of course, the web is always changing. What worked 10 years ago or even 5 years ago no longer works today. It’s time for a niche site strategy that will work for you now and for years to come. That’s exactly what I’m presenting to you today– it’s the opportunity to cash in, in a way that readers and search engines love. It’s not about taking shortcuts or slapping sites up for the sake of doing it. At the same time, I think you’ll find that these sites are easy (and even fun) to build. Very few people are using this strategy– and next to none are doing it in exactly the way I’m going to show you. Get in on the strategy early so you can ‘wow’ your niche and make a big splash. You’ll soon have a lot of sites

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Niche marketing is one of the best ways to make money online. People are passionate about reading all they can about the topics that interest them– particularly if they find a well-done site dedicated to the topic. People also tend to buy things that help them, entertain them, or teach them. You can combine their passion for soaking up information and their tendency to spend money to profit from your own site. Of course, the web is always changing. What worked 10 years ago or even 5 years ago no longer works today. It’s time for a niche site strategy that will work for you now and for years to come. That’s exactly what I’m presenting to you today– it’s the opportunity to cash in, in a way that readers and search engines love. It’s not about taking shortcuts or slapping sites up for the sake of doing it. At the same time, I think you’ll find that these sites are easy (and even fun) to build. Very few people are using this strategy– and next to none are doing it in exactly the way I’m going to show you. Get in on the strategy early so you can ‘wow’ your niche and make a big splash. You’ll soon have a lot of sites
out there earning for you on autopilot. What Are Mini Authority Niche Sites? Authority sites are really the way to go these days. People want to learn about things and get product recommendations from people who know what they are talking about. Those little niche review sites that were so popular years ago can still work– but they can’t touch this style of site. People expect some relationship building before they hand over their hard-earned cash. They want to get to know you as the site owner and product recommender. They are on to the ‘scammy’ product recommendation techniques of days past and they want something more. That’s exactly what you’re going to give them. There are huge authority sites out there that are really popular– those sites earn well, but they are also a bear to maintain. Their owners have to hire people to work on them constantly or marry themselves to the site day and night. You’re going to have the best of both worlds. It’s going to be small and manageable so that it
doesn’t take over your life. But it’s also going to contain the elements popular authority sites have so you can really stand out in the niche– earning search engine traffic and a loyal readership.

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